Helping your child in the classroom & how to work with the classroom teacher
Champion you child’s writing + how to get the most from the classroom
- Does your child lack motivation in writing?
- Do you need to have a conversation with your child’s teacher, but unsure how best to approach them?
- If you could help your child with one thing to boost confidence in writing, what would it be?
We held a Parent Collective evening on the 28th March, at our clinic, but if you missed out – here are some points we talked about!
– teacher-parent interviews
– how YOU can have confidence to support your child’s literacy journey
– tools at home, liaising with your classroom teacher and accessing different supports to boost skills and confidence.
Our educational therapist shared 10 ways parents can put their kids on track to be successful students.
1. Attend parent information evening and parent teacher interviews
2. Visit the School and Its Website
3. Support Homework Expectations
4. Send Your Child to School Ready to Learn
5. Teach Organisational Skills
6. Teach Study Skills
7. Know the Disciplinary Policies
8. Get Involved
9. Take Attendance Seriously
10. Make Time to Talk About School
Check out our top tips for Parent teacher interviews
Parent-teacher interviews at primary school: what to expect
It’s important to be on time for parent-teacher interviews. But be aware that teachers might be running late because previous interviews have run over time.
Why it’s worth going to parent-teacher interviews
Parent-teacher interviews give you a great opportunity to:
- learn more about your child’s academic, emotional and social development
- meet and get to know your child’s teachers
- help your child’s teachers understand more about your child
- make plans with the teacher about how you can both support your child
- build a relationship with your child’s school.
What to talk about at parent-teacher interviews
To get the most out of parent-teacher interviews, it helps to be well prepared.
Interviews might be held early in the school year so the teacher can find out more about your child. For this kind of interview, it’s a good idea to think about the information you want to share with the teacher. For example, you might want to talk about your child’s strengths or interests, or areas of learning where your child might need more support.
Interviews for children in primary school are also often held around the time school reports come home. One of the first things you can do for this kind of interview is read your child’s school report carefully and note down anything you want to ask about.
It can help to take a list of questions and information with you to interviews so you remember what you want to talk about. The interview time tends to pass quickly.
If you’re not sure what to talk about, here are some questions to get you started:
- What are my child’s interests and strengths?
- What does my child struggle with?
- How much homework should my child be doing every night?
- What can I do at home to help my child with schoolwork?
- What can you tell me about my child’s behaviour in class?
- How is my child getting along with other students?
- What support services are available for my child at this school?
Want to know more?
What to do after the parent-teacher interview
Arranging parent-teacher meetings at other times
Informal contact with your child’s teacher
Feel free to get in touch with Michelle and book a consult to get her top tips on these areas so you can support your child.