Evening Collective {13th September }

Evening Collective {Parents + Educators}  ~ 

Strengthening Communication Skills for Children and Young People 

  • Does your child experience frustration with expressing thoughts or sharing stories?
  • Is your child struggling to sequence ideas and write them down?
  • Have they developed a lack of confidence around social skills and expressing feelings?
  • Perhaps there are growing concerns around following instructions or keeping up
  • Or maybe your child is lacking engagement in reading and enjoying the process. 

Join us on September the 13th 2018 for our next Evening Collective for parents and educators.

Our term 3 Evening Collective is all about understanding these areas.

September 13th – 7:00pm – start at 7:30  – finish before 9!  

Cost: $10  {includes refreshments + speaker notes to take home}

Where: Unit 6 – 46 Burns Bay Rd – our collective space.


Speech Pathology Team will be discussing these key areas

  • Expressing ideas

Why is vocabulary building is essential and links into learning

What tools can encourage great vocabulary growth in reading for meaning

How can they learn to better sequence ideas and thoughts (out loud and on paper)

  • Understanding and participating

Why we encourage good listening skills, following instructions for participation

How can we encourage skills for at home or in the classroom

What role does memory play and how can we link memory with language

  • Social Thinking

What are good perspective taking skills.  How can we facilitate children and young people to use them

How does communication link to emotions and expressing feelings

What tools can encourage children and young people to be socially confident?

We are so excited to host an evening where we use tools to help equip parents and educators !

Only limited spaces available.

Vanessa and the team!