The skills required to understand stories can also help in other areas of learning.
Why Narrative skills? As Speech Pathologists we are interested in all skills related to communication! Stories include the ability to use and understand language.
Listening Skills
Understanding story sequence (beginning, middle & end) builds the concept that stories need links in order to make sense. These help the concept of abstract ideas like first, next, and last — which in turn helps children form a plan about what elements are involved in stories. (who, what , where, when, why).
Communicating Skills
Talking about experiences, relating a story or event in sequence, communicating about self, and communicating about concrete experiences help children share their ideas and create skills for critical thinking. (why, what could happen, what if? )
Narrative – story retell | Listening –Critical skills |
• Beginning • Middle • End (Sequencing) • Who • Where • What • When | Using strategies and a format of critical thinking skills to form story skills. • What will happen next • What could he say • Do this, then this • Make these into ... • Tell me how ... • Where will it happen • Why wouldn't it happen • What would make it happen |